Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to be efficient and gluttonous in one meal

At the beginning of every week, I take a peek into my fridge and make a mental note of all the "must eat soon" foods, and try to plan my meals accordingly. This week on the list is a pack of bacon we bought this weekend and didn't finish. Unfortunately I don't know a lot of bacon dinner meals, so I had to figure something out. Yesterday I defrosted a steak, but I didn't wind up eating it, so I figured that should probably work. You can put steak with bacon right? (Like a cheap knock off of a filet mignon?) So I fried up the bacon (my vegetarian roommate was amazed at how much fat comes out of bacon considering no oil was added), and threw in the steak and some Montreal steak spice. Yup, I fried the steak in bacon fat. =D I also made some pasta which I decided to fry as well (my mom used to fry pasta in butter to make it crunchy) .... so the pasta went in with the remaining bacon fat and steak juice. I know, it's pretty gross, but LOOK how many uses I got out of the bacon!! I also used the same water for pasta cooking and broccoli boiling... so all this came from 1 pot and 1 pan. I know frying with bacon fat and steak juice may sound disgusting, but I totally have no regrets. This tastes awesome. Also, check out how pretty pictures are on my new camera!!

So to summarize,
Efficiency = reusable bacon fat and boiling water
Gluttony= having all your food covered in bacon fat 
Pure satisfaction = eating this meal
Hopefully the elliptical will take care of the rest...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Squash anyone?

So 4 weeks ago when I was grocery shopping at Thanksgiving, I realized that I had never really eaten many of the autumn vegetables. I got the ambitious idea to try making some, even though I'd never really eaten them before. So here's my attempt to make acorn squash (though I'm not even sure if it counts as a vegetable...?). I kiind of let it sit around for a few weeks, so I was debatin whether it would still even be good to eat, but turns out it was!

It was a super easy recipe - ingredients = brown sugar, maple syrup (roommate's), margarine. The most interesting thing, I think, is trying to cut the damn thing open. I have this huge knife that I looooove because it cuts through carrots like cotton candy, but it took me FOREVER to cut the squash open! I think there must be a better (and probably safer) technique that I missed somehwere. Anyway, after cutting it, I made cuts on the inside so that the ingredients could seep in. And they also all sink to the bottom, so apparently you're supposed to drizzle the most on top (though it'll sink in anyway). 

So here it is, sitting next to a leg of chicken I made (but not very excitingly... with bbq sauce). I'm proud to say the meal was decent, and my hopes for making autumn food weren't squashed =)