Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pancakes by design, part II

So another lazy Sunday = another chance to make pretty pancakes! To be fair, I didn't design any of these - they're all the creative genius of my roommate. I was attempting to make french toast, which went sort of okay (variations attempted include cinnamon, cheese inside, and burned....). And while we were waiting for everything to cook, we quizzed each other on blood and watched the snow fall, so it was kind of productive! Oh yeah, special pancake ingredient - red and green smarties, just to get the Christmasy feel =)

Panda bear! 

Smartie Tic Tac Toe 

Pretty swirls! (I think she said she was trying to make it like dosa?)

Mmm pancake stack 

 Pancakes + French toast + blood notes + snowy day = yummy productive brunch?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bringin home the bacon... to my stomach (Day 2)

So I should really be studying instead of thinking of fattening ways to feed myself, but I tried another new recipe today. Because guess what I still have in my fridge... more bacon! I'm pretty sure I'm not going to buy another package for a year or something. I think I've figured out my cooking philosophy - eat what's around with whatever else is around. It kinda sucks cooking for one person, because you eat so little that whatever you make, you have to eat it forever (ie, I bought one bunch of brocolli this week... and ate it for FOUR days!) So either you have to preplan your meals for a week and buy only those ingredients (which I highly doubt I will end up doing) or you buy semi-generic stuff and take a shot in the dark that you'll end up eating it (like brocolli and salad for me this week).Thank goodness you can divide up and freeze meat! 

Anyway the point of that was to say, I chose what I ate today based on those principles.
What do I have to finish? Bacon 
What else is around? Steak (but I ate that Tuesday), salmon (also ate recently) and chicken breast (winner!)
What else? Broccoli 
Rice or pasta? Had pasta on Tuesday, so rice. 

Google search: chicken breast + bacon (yeah I had no ideas on what to do with those two, so I thought I'd seek the internet's advice)
Hit: chicken breast wrapped in bacon with cream cheese and green onions inside. I have cream cheese, but no green onions... so I subbed those with fresh dill and yellow onions. And what a good call that was. So here is my meal! Definitely not as gluttonous as the steak, but still delicious.