Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homecoming weekend splurge

Somehow almost as soon as Friday afternoon rolls around, I feel the need for junk food. So a few of us head out to Boston Pizza. (Try the spicy potato/fry appetizer thing! The name escapes me.) I didn't take any pictures of food, so here's a glimpse of the drink my roommate had, vanilla something (I'm really bad with the names today..) but I know it was also good! 

Saturday was all homecoming celebrations. First chocolate chip pancakes and porch climbers (beer, vodka, lemonade I think?? = gets you drunk way faster than you think it does). Then the best chicken fingers and sweet potato fries ever. And at the end of the night, the loaded perogies and fries here. So... goodbye progress from exercise =( But man was it a good weekend.

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